The Beekepers | How a Harvard scientist, sixth-generation bee whisperer, and retired entrepreneur teamed up to rescue an embattled insect and save the American food supply. (June 2013)
Change on the Mystic | An African-American enclave of self-sufficiency and high ambition fights for survival. (February 2012)
The Comebacker | Thirteen years after a ball shattered his face, Bryce Florie has made a new life in the game he loves. (March 2014)
Targeted | How Bain Capital tried — reluctantly — to clean up its name during the 2012 presidential campaign. (August 2012)
The Believer | Jazz giant Danilo Perez has faith music can change the world. (April 2013)
Dying Wishes | Should the terminally ill have the right to end their lives? (April 2012)
Letter from Selma | How the 1965 murder of a white Boston minister moved a nation. (July 2011)
Writing Her Heart Out | Fifteen years after she broke into the Boston folk scene with honesty and grit, Lori McKenna is becoming one of Nashville’s most in-demand country songwriters. (March 2012)
Taking command - the McCain way (John McCain profile)
Boston Globe, August 31, 2008
Obama's odyssey on race
Boston Globe, March 20, 2008
Early defeat launched a rapid political climb (Barack Obama profile)
Boston Globe, October 12, 2007
Beating odds, a uniter rose from Chicago's tough side (Deval Patrick profile)
Boston Globe, May 24, 2006